Course and Package Description
mSkills – Cyber Complete 4 w/ Info Security
Price: $59

Cybersecurity Complete Training Bundle

Our cybersecurity training bundle is tailored to safeguard mortgage companies against evolving cyber threats.

Covering vital topics such as

  • Data Protection,
  • Social Engineering,
  • Phishing and Anti-Spam Software
  • Information Security,

this bundle equips teams with the expertise to defend sensitive information and uphold trust in an increasingly digital landscape.

Scroll down to explore details about each course in the bundle.

mSkills - Phishing and Anti-Spam Software - 15 Mins

Ever received an email from your bank which seems to be legit but, well, there’s something off about it? Maybe it starts with, “Dear valued customer” instead of using your name? If you have received anything like this, then it’s likely you’ve been targeted by phishing criminals.

Phishers pretend to be from authorized organizations to trick you into giving away sensitive information, such as usernames or credit card details. It’s a malicious and widespread activity. But suffering loss as a result can be prevented. One of the most effective ways is through anti-spam software which blocks suspicious emails from getting into your account.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Recognize a phishing attack, for example an email or cell phone message
• Understand how anti-spam software works to prevent email spamming
• Protect yourself and avoid becoming a victim of phishing

Why take this course?

Phishing scammers release thousands of attacks every single day. Yet knowledge is power, and by learning how to spot the signs you will help to protect yourself. This short course is suitable for professionals, organizations, and any individual who uses a computer or cell phone. Yep, that means pretty much all of us.

15 mins | SCORM | Workbook

mSkills - Social Engineering - 10 Mins

“You must trust and believe in people, or life becomes impossible.” So said the famous Russian writer Anton Chekhov. And, well, he had a point. Without trust, we wouldn’t form friendships or relationships. But here’s the thing, Anton: you really can’t trust everyone.

It was probably a bit different back in the 19th century what with the lack of computers and everything. But cyber tricksters and con artists are everywhere today, and they’re preying on our natural inclination to trust and help others. By pretending to be genuine, social engineering criminals manipulate people into giving away confidential and sensitive information.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Understand the dangers of social engineering and how it works
• Recognize the different types of social engineering attacks
• Avoid becoming a victim of social engineering

Why take this course?

The majority of cyberattacks are the result of social engineering. Yet, we can reduce the chances of falling victim by spotting the signs and remembering to think before opening that attachment. This short course is suitable for everyone, particularly organizations, professionals, and social media users. So, trust this course to help you protect yourself.

10 mins | SCORM | Workbook

mSkills - Data Protection - 15 Mins

These days, pretty much every industry uses and stores some kind of data, so you need to think very carefully about how to protect it. Just running a garage business on the World Wide Web can see you handling personal data from the other side of the planet.
The problem is, data protection laws are different the world over. And when you do business in global markets, data regularly travels across borders. So, how do you deal with that? Well, while rules and regulations might change from country to country, techniques you can use to protect data remain largely the same.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Recognize some of the differences in data protection laws worldwide
• Describe how data can be used
• Apply data protection techniques

Why take this course?

No matter your industry, if you work with data, then you need to know how to protect it and what the consequences might be if you don’t. This course will show you some of the differences in data protection laws around the world, explain the ways you can protect data, and show you how to put data protection laws into practice.

15 mins | SCORM | Workbook

mSkills - Information Security - 10 mins

Infosec. It sounds mysterious, right? Like something supersecret spies deal with while sitting in darkened rooms, wearing sunglasses, and still somehow managing to see what they’re doing. Well, it’s not. It’s just a shortened version of information security, which is something we should all be aware of.

Information is the world’s most valuable commodity, so keeping it secure is vitally important. It’s something we should all know how to do well. Poor infosec can damage your business, and leave your reputation in tatters. And, with online threats becoming more common and increasingly sophisticated, you really can’t afford to leave anything to chance.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Identify the 3 pillars of information security
• Recognize the impacts of poor information security
• Apply information security successfully

Why take this course?

If you deal with sensitive information of any kind, then you need to make sure it’s secure. This course will help you identify the 3 pillars of information security, recognize the impacts of poor information security, and figure out how to apply information security tools and techniques successfully.

10 mins | SCORM | Workbook